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The Generative AI Industrial Revolution

与工业革命相比,生成式人工智能可能对社会造成更大的分裂. 关于人工智能对流媒体行业的影响,有许多问题值得研究, the media and entertainment world, 和更多的. 在本文中, 我将重点介绍几个流媒体用例,希望能提供一个更广阔的视角,了解我们现在的世界正在发生的变化,以及我们可以期待的未来的变化.

回顾:DVEO Brutus V

This review will highlight Brutus V, DVEO's IP-to-IP multichannel AV1, H.264和H.265 transcoder for IPTV or OTT. I will touch on Brutus V's options for delivering streams over H.264 and cover streaming 交付 over various streaming protocols such as HLS, LL-HLS, 光滑的流, 和MPEG-DASH. I will also dive into transcoding using H.264和HEVC.

微软全球媒体和娱乐战略总监Simon Crownshaw谈到了Gen AI

In this expansive interview with Simon Crownshaw, Microsoft's worldwide media and entertainment strategy director, 我们讨论了微软客户如何在流媒体工作流程的各个阶段利用生成式人工智能,以及他们如何在内容交付中使用它,并在一系列用例中增强用户体验. Crownshaw还深入探讨了微软是如何构建资产管理架构的,以及元数据在有效的大语言模型(llm)中扮演的关键角色。, maximizing the value of available data.

How AI Is Transforming the 视频制作 Landscape

人工智能的发展从前期制作计划延伸到后期制作增强, offering tools that augment creativity, 效率, 和精度. It is difficult to ignore all of the buzz about AI these days, 但在人工智能技术的早期阶段,流媒体专业人士可以期待的是.

Managing Teleprompter Scrolling Speed with Elgato Stream Deck and Pedal

阅读提词器最具挑战性的一个方面一直是速度控制. Unless you get the speed just right, you either have to rush or slow down your narration, 这两种调整都会给你的演讲增加压力,迫使你出现小故障,再次重来. 幸运的是, Elgato has two hardware options you can use to control scrolling speed; the Stream Deck+ ($199.99) and Stream Deck Pedal ($89.99). Elgato was kind enough to send both options for me to try, and I'll briefly recount my experience here.


售价279美元的Elgato 箴mpter是一款独特的产品,在其同名角色中表现良好,但提供的一系列功能远远超出了脚本阅读. 如果你经常参加视频会议,你会发现箴mpter非常有用, if you create screencams or recorded product demonstrations, and even if you produce webinars.

Tutorial: Quick Export with Adobe Premiere 箴

In this quick overview of Adobe Premiere 箴's Quick Export feature, Clear Online Video的Stjepan Alaupovic解释了制作人如何通过只需点击几下就可以导出视频来提高quickturn项目的后期制作效率.

Review: Blackmagic Design Micro Studio Camera 4K G2

The Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K G2 has nice upgrades, great capability with the USB-C, and high-quality recording to external SSDs. HDMI输出在监控方面也是一个受欢迎的功能,并且可以在任何可能使用相机的地方更改设置.

Review: AirenSoft OvenMediaEngine

This review will highlight OvenMedia­Engine, the open source streaming ser­ver from AirenSoft, and explore its fea­tures for providing sub-­second latency for live streaming. The article will also touch on OvenMediaEngine's options for LL-­HLS and WebRTC. Finally, we'll dive into testing SRT and RTMP ingest options.


This article explores the current state of AI in the streaming encoding, 交付, 回放, 货币化生态系统. 通过了解发展并在评估人工智能解决方案时考虑关键问题, 流媒体专业人士可以做出明智的决定,将人工智能纳入他们的视频处理管道,并为人工智能驱动的视频技术的未来做好准备.

Multicurrency, Personalization, and Consumer Privacy in the CTV Ecosystem

As CTV is pulling in more advertising dollars and viewers than ever before, 对于广告商来说,确保他们使用最具针对性的数据来优化他们的覆盖范围,以代表受众和结果,这一点至关重要, all while respecting data privacy laws and individual rights. 在今天的CTV广告生态系统中,围绕数据身份和隐私经济的最大挑战是什么? 内容所有者和平台提供商如何向广告商提供用户数据,在不违反个人隐私或隐私法的情况下实现增长最大化? 在一个多屏幕使用在客厅之外如此普遍的时代,“电视”这个概念本身将如何被重新定义?

Q&A: NBCUniversal SVP Monica Williams Talks Streaming the Olympics, 跨平台的残雪, 以及元数据的力量

In this wide-ranging interview with Monica Williams, nbc环球的数字产品和运营高级副总裁,负责公司的内容分发业务, we discuss how the proliferation of digital platforms across the OTT, CTV, and online ecosystems has brought new content distribution challenges, the boon of metadata for improving customer experiences, 以及为期17天的奥运宣传马拉松,每件事都必须做到完美.

Q&答:Wurl的Ria Madrid讨论了BrandDiscovery在CTV广告中的开创性生成人工智能

A Q&A with Ria Madrid of Wurl - she discusses BrandDiscovery, 他们的新技术使营销人员能够精确地将CTV广告与观众正在观看的情感和背景相匹配,以创造积极的关注, using Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions. 媒体等合作伙伴.通过Wurl的解决方案,Monks已经为他们的客户带来了令人印象深刻的结果, 哪一个使用场景级上下文定位来帮助广告商将广告活动创意的情感情绪与最接近广告时段的内容结合起来.

Pay TV Gets Serious 关于 Free Streaming

When it comes to free streaming, U.S. Pluto TV和Tubi等纯玩家以及Roku和三星等联网电视平台推动了这一增长,这些平台希望为需要线性观看体验的有线电视爱好者和有线电视切断者提供服务. 多年来,这些公司已经有了一个良好的开端和一条清晰的道路来测试和学习. 然而, 在过去的18个月里, pay TV players have decided that they too have a role to play in free streaming.

Tutorial: How to Nail Your First LinkedIn Live Event

如果你能坚持到最后, 你将了解到为什么顺利启动你的LinkedIn Live活动如此困难(这不是你的错),以及一些关于如何在未来像专业人士一样开始的想法.

Q&答:谷歌云的Anil Jain解释生成式人工智能如何推动M的数字化转型&E和DTC

对于Anil Jain来说, 领导谷歌云的战略消费行业团队意味着帮助传统媒体公司拥抱云和人工智能, move to an OpEx-centric business model, 并在工程和产品管理中适应更以发展为导向的思维方式. 在这次采访中, Jain discusses the global shift to cloud-based operations in the media industry, 从生产到包装再到用户体验的各个方面,生成式人工智能正在颠覆一切, and what media companies should be afraid of if they're not already.

流媒体's 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2024

A detailed guide to 流媒体's 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2024.

How to Add Zoom Participants in vMix as Clean Inputs

随着vMix 27的发布,Windows制作人现在可以在vMix中获得干净的Zoom会议输入. 最重要的是,vMix 27的高清用户无需支付额外的预付费用或每月订阅费, 4K, 箴, 或最大许可. All that is required is to download the Zoom Plugin for vMix. 下面是它的工作原理.


本评论将重点介绍JW Player在线视频平台,并探索其点播流媒体, 字幕, Web播放器功能, 还有其他特点. It will walk viewers through using the platform, including the core features like uploading videos, 进口流, and creating playlists in the Media Library and configuring the media player, as well as more advanced features. It will also discuss testing done using the platform.

Decoding the Landscape: Recent Developments in Video Codec Licensing

Navigating the ever-changing world of video codec licensing can be complex. This article breaks down major IP-related events from the past 18 months, including the new European SEP licensing rules, Avanci's new video patent pool, 以及Sisvel-RPX交易. 探索谁在做交易, what technologies are involved, and the implications for royalty-free models